
Cancer Healing Retreats is a private facility that applies natural therapies to help reverse cancer and/or other degenerative disease. NOW! You can access everything that we teach in our retreats for as little as $499.



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Monday to Sunday

8 AM to 8 PM

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Qualified Staff

That Put Patient Care First

At CHR our Dr’s and therapists have been selected based on their specialized ability to address specific root causes related to the cancer process. Each one brings valuable knowledge and experience to your healing journey helping to form a complete holistic healing experience.

Meet Our Therapist

A Complete Program

Of The Highest Quality Care

This program has been developed over the last 36 years of Dr Gautier’s career helping patients overcome all types of chronic illness. Each and every aspect of health is addressed to ensure optimum health is achieved even for the patients with the most challenging conditions.

Learn About The Program

We Are Here For You

Phone Consultations Are Available

Contact us for a free phone consultation where Dr Gary Gautier will review your specific condition and make specific recommendations based on his 36 years of experience using some of the world’s most recognized natural healing practices to reverse all types of chronic illness including late stage Cancer.

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Alternative Cancer Treatment Centers: Cancer Wellness Retreats

Cancer Healing Retreats is a private facility that applies natural therapies to help reverse cancer and/or other degenerative diseases. We offer a unique all-inclusive, education-based retreat where you will receive personal attention from Dr. Gary Gautier and his staff.

We Show You How To Teach Your Body How To Reject Disease

We believe there are “no cures” when it comes to cancer or most diseases, however you do not need a cure for cancer. Nature gives us everything needed to overcome sickness and disease. Most patients need to get healthy, especially when it comes to degenerative diseases including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many other illnesses.

You can reverse cancer naturally by learning a variety of procedures and protocols addressing several root causes of this chronic condition.


Dr. Gerson

Considered as one of the first doctors to find the natural process for cancer reversal. His protocols refer to natural whole, live, fresh and mostly organic foods, necessary for healing. Also, coffee enemas for toxin elimination.

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Dr. Kelley

Emphasis on the metabolic and enzymatic therapies which are critical for aiding immunity and cancer reversal.

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Dr. Clark

Focused on detoxing the body by removal of pathogens and toxins, which is critical in aiding your immune system to help the healing process for cancer.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Boosts the oxygen levels from 10 to 20 times immediately. This treatment has scientifically proven that after 20 sessions the stem cell reproduction is increased 800%, helping your body to repair and heal faster, from the destruction of the cancer process.

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Magnet therapy

Helps reduce tumors, pain, inflammation, pathogens and aids in immunity. Utilized in medical handbooks prior to WW2.

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Proprietary Herbal Blend

This blend of herb oils has been developed over the career of Dr Gautier as a powerful anti cancer formula which assists the body in everything from deep sleep to pain relief.

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Bio Dentistry

Every patient is referred to Costa Rica’s top holistic dental expert for proper toxic metal extractions of amalgam, root canal/crown issues and cavitation restructuring, which is mandatory for most all cancer patients immune system.

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Biological Recodification of illness

This helps the patient find the origin of the illness, which is associated with conflicts which the patient has lived or where there was a particular trigger. As the patient progresses and regains their inner strength, they feel stronger, safer and more confident.

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This may be difficult to understand considering all the conflicting information available online but those who apply these specific procedures correctly find this program to be very effective in the reversal of cancer as well as other diseases. The more you learn about this specific reversal process, the more successful you can be on your journey to health and wellness.

At Cancer Healing Retreats, Dr. Gautier devotes his time to a one-on-one interaction with patients, providing personal treatment and makes sure the remedies offered to patients are complete and painless, embracing the physical and emotional aspects of life. Yes, we also help patients learn how to get completely out of pain-naturally!

At the Retreat, Dr. Gautier personally supervises the choices of food, conducts classes and gives valuable lectures to patients-offering a 100% success rate only if patients continue the protocols they have learned with us after returning home.

Each Retreat is designed based on your specific condition and the goals you wish to achieve. Generally, we advise a minimum stay of 30 days in which you will receive extensive education, products and treatment by Dr. Gautier and his team of therapists. However, there are other options for the length of stay, ranging from a 9-day Retreat to a 90-day Retreat. The servicing agreement will keep you covered once you go back home as you can contact them for help and direction, as needed.


"I chose to visit CHR as I love their philosophy to heal the body naturally. They provided an amazing space to teach us how to “Heal Thyself” and continue to heal ourselves once we arrived home. I left feeling confident knowing I had learned all the different approaches to heal my body. Dr Gautier and his team provide a one-on-one experience that was greatly appreciated"

- Lisa

"Cancer Healing Retreats (CHR) specializes in highly beneficial outcomes in treating difficult cases of cancer and other health problems using various alternative healing methods that enable the patient's own body to fight back the way it was designed. They include many things including detoxing programs, special targeted diets, a number of targeted supplements, oxygen therapies, specialized physical bodywork, emotional clearing and healing, and several other healing protocols. The CHR provides an all-encompassing program of healing cancer from many different angles, which synergistically can provide very good results. Dr. Gautier is a highly respected and accomplished doctor who has specialized in helping patients reverse their cancers and other health issues for many years. The CHR staff and outside consultants and therapists are very highly qualified, as well as friendly and attentive to each patient's needs. The personal attention each patient receives is well beyond that found in most health clinics, and the excellent weather and healthy environment of Costa Rica is an unspoken advantage. If there were such a list, then the CHR would have to be included among the best cancer clinics in the world, and I highly recommended them.."

- Dave, Ohio

"After speaking with many alternative cancer retreats at home and abroad I decided to spend 3 weeks with Dr. Gautier and his staff. Everyone was super friendly and really made me feel comfortable from day one. A huge advantage about the clinic was having Dr. Gautier in the room next door. He is extremely knowledgeable about reversing the cancer process and really attacks it from every angle. From the delicious organic meals to the hyperbaric chamber, massages, emotional therapy, supplements, daily classes and many other modalities, this place definitely gives you the most bang for your buck. He gives you all the tools you need to further detox and nourish your body upon returning home. Overall, I'm extremely happy with the decision I made to attend “Cancer Healing Retreats”

- Tony, Florida

"Cancer Healing Retreats" is a beautiful and serene setting in a quiet neighborhood in San Jose. The spaces at the retreat “home” help to create a relaxing, inviting environment for healing, interacting with others, relaxing, meditating or simply enjoying the surrounding scenery. This is definitely not a typical “clinic” setting! From the moment of arrival, Dr. Gautier and his team are extremely attentive to each patient’s unique needs, and they work together to ensure that multiple resources are available to assist with the healing process. The food and juices were fresh and delicious, and helped to set the stage for other healthy activities, including massages, meditation and other therapies to form a holistic approach to health. Personalized classes provided an excellent opportunity to learn more about cancer, wellness, nutrition, environmental toxicity and much more. The staff and healing practitioners were very invested in and involved in my treatment experience and I learned much more than I could have imagined from each one. The amount of information and scheduled therapy sessions required personal discipline and commitment (as any such experience should when one’s health and life are concerned)!. The hardest part of the entire experience was returning home and being away from the continuous support, attention and care of Dr. Gautier, Fanny and the amazing staff.

- Amy, New York

"I attended Dr Gautier cancer retreat 4 years ago after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. Due to work commitments I only had 8 incredibly information packed days. Dr Gautier positive nature was infectious and I was put through so many aspects of holistic health. Still to this day I follow the program tailored to my needs. I left empowered to continue on this journey of self-discovery, sometimes daunting but incredibly rewarding."

- Antonio, South Africa

“In the past, I suffered from skin cancer AKA basil cell carcinoma, and heard about a doctor who helped his patients overcome or reverse cancer, naturally. I learned that the immune system is not only important but absolutely vital for overcoming cancer! This is the reason, as I have learned, why a strict diet with plant-based foods is essential for health. I encourage you to learn more about the natural and safe processes of alternative cancer reversal. It has been over 8 years and my oncologist is completely surprised my cancer has not returned and most importantly I feel great!”

- Kathy, Costa Rica

Our Intensive Holistic Approach

Physical illnesses are the symptoms of greater imbalances that may or may not have physical root causes. Holistic healing addresses all parts of the individual -not just the physical aspect- and it is intended to guide you to an ongoing journey for a healthier life.

Holistic healing is really a lifestyle approach that goes beyond the mind-body connection. Overall wellness and “wholeness” represent the ultimate goal. We consider physical health, mental health emotional well-being, as well as spiritual beliefs and values.

In our life we have different experiences which make our body react emotionally and physically. All these feelings, reactions and conflicts we have during our life are stored within our body/mind and could be expressed physically through different type of illnesses. Understanding these minds, body, spirit connections and how to address them is the key to Holistic healing

Message from the Dr. Gary

One thing you need to know is that you are in control, if you want to be

There are no cures for cancer! There are NO cures for anything of which I can think of. What you don’t know is that you don’t need a cure! You need to get healthy and strong in every way! This is the trick to cancer reversal. God gave us everything here on earth to heal ourselves all natural, organic and non-synthetic. When it comes to cancer there is no time to waste, procrastination can literally kill you! It has everything to do with your life and health! The journey starts today!

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Need Help Finding The Right Natural Cancer Option For You?

Get helpful information on what should be important to you when choosing a Cancer Healing Retreat.

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